Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


You never alter an action until you change the view from which you take the action.
Once I gave myself permission to change my view on myself, life, other people, and everything I was blessed with my actions began to change.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Sean Mikael - Palm Springs


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pre Paid Legal Sean Mikael

Pre Paid Legal Sean Mikael Pre Paid Legal Sean Mikael Pre Paid Legal Sean Mikael Pre Paid Legal Sean Mikael Pre Paid Legal Sean Mikael Pre Paid Legal Sean Mikael

Sean Mikael Pre Paid Legal

Sean Mikael got started with Pre Paid Legal in 2002, by the end of my first year with the company I replaced my full time jobs income, by the end of my second year I was able to move my mother and brother out to L.A. from Israel, today because of this incredible company my wife and I were able to purchase our dream town home in Santa Monica, pay off our debt and purchase both of our vehicles outright. Not only has this company given us the ability to earn a great income but also free up our time to travel every month and enjoy life.

check out www.SeanMikael.com www.EasyToSucceed.com www.ExcellentOccupation.com